"What do you look forward to?"

Myrna Chartrand : Myrna was born and raised in Oak Point, Manitoba.
Posted By Myrna Chartrand : Myrna was born and raised in Oak Point, Manitoba. On 2020-05-07 12:18:20

Two months ago, I was already thinking about what my next article topic was going to be. I had no idea that my original thought of writing about trucker's self-isolation was going to be directed towards much more of the population. I thought of myself as a social butterfly, but I'm starting to realize I've been much more self-isolated for the last ten years than I realized.

I have a question for everyone right now because of the uncertain times we are currently in.
This question is very important and needs to be asked. The question is, "What do you look
forward to?"

In the truck, I often look forward to my favourite customers that I'll get to visit with and a visit with a trucker friend along my route or maybe sit-down dinner at my favourite restaurant. This has more or less been taken from me right now, and I know I have to deal with it. So now this means I need to find new things to look forward to. In our current situation, I think it's especially important to find something to look forward to even if things look bleak at the moment. Whether it be a phone call, a video call, playing a board game, etc.

My aunt looks forward to getting this magazine. She is in a nursing home and unable to receive visitors, so getting this magazine is one of her ways to pass the time. If she hasn't gotten it in a timely fashion, she is quick to tell my dad or me that she would sure like a copy. I enjoy this
because I get to be a part of her entertainment, thus something for me to look forward to.
I'm in a 30-day song challenge right now with a few friends. Each day there is a new theme; for
example, pick a song that makes you want to dance. Everyone in the group picks a song, then
we share it, and it really is quite fun because it brings up great memories if there is a story attached to that particular song. One of the parts of this that I enjoy is that everyone in the group pretty much has sent in their song choice by 9 AM, if not sooner. So this means it's one of the first things on our minds, and I'm not the only one who looks forward to this every day. Plus, selecting a song each day gives time for a bit of reflection on our choices.

I read somewhere the other day that once the wave of hoarding cleaning supplies, toilet paper
and sanitizer starts to slow down a bit, the next thing is hair colour hoarding. I was proactive before all this went down, and I have three months of hair colour already set aside. For
those worried about getting to the salon, I've already got myself covered, so I look forward to
many more months of stylish hair. I even bought some scissors the other day and broke the first
rule of self-isolation: do not cut your own hair!! I trimmed my own bangs, and I can easily see
how this could go south really quickly!! I didn't get in on the sanitizer hoarding but gosh darn it,
I'm going to look good!! I do look forward though to the day I get to go back to the salon and
leave it to the professionals. Plus, salon visits are always great gossip sessions!

I'm looking forward to visiting with my friends and family in person. Going out for dinner, drinks,
or a movie. Seeing their faces and being silly around one another. I'm looking forward to the
days when I can shoot the breeze with my friends at the truck shows. Setting up lawn chairs and
coolers and looking at and talking about trucks. These days may or may not be right around the corner, but there is always something to look forward to if you think hard enough. They don't have to be huge things, but it is important that we give it some thought.

I'm going to leave you with a bit of humour now. I took a flight to Toronto at the beginning of
March. As I went through security at the Winnipeg airport, I was flagged for a pat-down. My first
thought was about how I got selected because I don't even try to blend in. I was wearing
leggings with pictures of French fries all over them, denim material shoes and my signature
bright pink hair with a gold bow. Do I really look like the type that's going to try to hide
something? Or are they thinking, maybe she plans to stand out, so we don't suspect her?

Anyhow, the lady takes me aside and asks if I am ok to have her do the pat-down right there or
would I prefer to have it done in a room. At this point, I'm thinking, "My goodness, how intimate is this pat-down going to be?" I say that I'm fine to do it right where I'm standing. She proceeds to pat my arms, legs, checks the bun in my hair and then says she needs to check the waistband of my pants to make sure I'm not hiding anything. She reaches where my waistband should be, which naturally should be at your waist. Well, I tend to wear my leggings pulled high to help tuck in all my rolls, so as she's lifting her hands to find the top of my waistband, she repeats, "Are you sure you don't want a room?" At this point, I'm guessing she thinks if she has to reach any higher, the hem of my shirt will be up around my neck!! So mental note for anyone who wears high-waisted pants, it may be wise to avoid wearing those on airport days!!

Previous Blogs

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