Stay Safe

Ed Murdoch: Ed has held a commercial drivers license for 65 years and has spent the better part of 50 years on the road.
Posted By Ed Murdoch: Ed has held a commercial drivers license for 65 years and has spent the better part of 50 years on the road. On 2022-05-12 17:24:27

Just a shorty from The Birddawg this issue. I have been isolated with Covid-19. I have received my vaccines and the booster which means I am only suffering moderate symptoms but I am here giving notice that even moderate symptoms are not much fun. Every part of my anatomy hurts … even my hair … lol. I am not running a high fever, if any, and have no need to go to the medical hotel, however I am completely severed from society for a period of time. I have been annoying peeps on Mother Earth for four score plus seven years and have no intention of letting up for another ten or fifteen.
My purpose in telling you this is that this coronavirus pandemic is NO JOKE! It is real, it is everywhere and it is persistent. One cannot see, hear, smell, taste or touch it. It took some time to get me but even with the precautions I have taken it finally did. And here I thought I was invincible. It is sneaky, very, very sneaky. The source from where I believe I caught the enemy had no idea that she was infected and a carrier either. We were in close proximity in rehearsal for a play we put on every year as a fundraiser to send underprivileged kids to a summer camp experience for two weeks. I am not the only member of the group to contract the dread malady. Fortunately all of us have had our shots but during rehearsal none of us were wearing masks … tsk, tsk!
Let me emphasize that wearing personal protection and maintaining a safe distance in public does impede the progress of this prolific virus. These are two of the most effective means of avoiding the inconvenience. The most effective way to stay out of the ER and live to see one’s grandchildren, of course is still vaccination. I cannot emphasize that enough.
Protests to the contrary are an enormous waste of time, money, resources and human activity which could all go to a higher purpose such as relieving homelessness and poverty or assisting the people of Ukraine or just going about one’s daily commitment to society. In my almost nine decades on this the 3rd planet from the sun I have learned a few things. I spent over half that time traversing North America from corner to corner and “sea to shining sea” in a semi such as many of you are doing. I twice toured Europe as a professional musician and please trust me I speak from the heart and do not echo anyone else’s opinions but my own. I’ve been there, done it!
Take care, my friends. Be well and be safe … 10-4!

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